You can be an after school hero at Jamestown Elementary!
Little Scholars is hiring teachers, assistants, and paraprofessionals to teach after school enrichment classes at Jamestown Elementary.
- All materials and lessons are provided by Little Scholars.
- Classes will be held after school from 4-5pm Tuesdays- Thursdays.
- All classes last 7- 8 weeks.
- Classes will run from the week of September 26- November 21.
- There will be no class on Tuesday, November 7.
- Pay is $30 per hour
Fall Classes
- Backyard Games
- Builders
- Comic Creations
- Art-chitects
- Mystery Madness
- WOW Lab
- Dino Discovery
- WOW Lab
For more information, contact Chris Freeman, Recruiting and Teacher Coordinator at Little Scholars. cfreeman@littlescholarsllc.com